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632 East Market Street
Louisville, KY, 40202
United States





Louisville Cream is a small batch gourmet ice cream company located in downtown Louisville, KY, and has been locally owned and operated since 2014. With mix of classic and rotating seasonal flavors available by the scoop or pint!

We make the kind of ice cream we want to eat; with local dairy from JD Country Milk, house made jams and sauces, fresh baked goods like cake and pie mixed in, and mix-ins from local favorites like Blue Dog Bakery, Georgia’s Sweet Potato Pie Co, Monnik Beer Co, and more! And don’t forget the fresh made waffle cones we churn out all day, and our rotating assortment of house made pastries.

Where can i find your ice cream?

You find out ice cream on the dessert menu at:

- The Post 1045 Goss Ave, Louisville, KY 40217
- The Pine Room  6325 River Rd, Harrods Creek, KY 40027
- Limón y Sal Mexican Kitchen 10000 Brownsboro Rd, Louisville, KY 40241
- Jack Fry’s 1007 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40204
- Mayan Cafe 813 E Market St, Louisville, KY 40206
- The Last Refuge 600 E Market St, Louisville, KY 40202

Pints can be purchased at the following locations:

- Kroger
 Rainbow Blossom
- Valu Market
Paul’s Fruit Market
 Old Town Wine & Spirits 1529 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205
Germantown Smoke & Craft 1036 Goss Ave, Louisville, KY 40217
Goldie’s 829 E Market St Suite A, Louisville, KY 40206
The Breeze Wine Bar 1247 S Shelby St, Louisville, KY 40203
- Locals Food Hub 822 E Broadway, Louisville, KY 40204
Lincoln Lodge 2768 Lincoln Farm Rd, Hodgenville, KY 42748
Haymarket on River Rd 3020 River Rd, Louisville, KY 40207
Market on 42 11940 W U.S. Hwy 42, Goshen, KY 40026
- The Wine Rack 2632 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, KY 40206
- Georgia’s Sweet Potato Pie Co. 1559 Bardstown Rd, Louisville, KY 40205

If you would like to wholesale our pints contact us at